What is the ticker symbol and on what exchange is Real Good Foods traded?

Real Good Foods is traded on the OTC Markets under the ticker symbol “RGFC”. Real Good Foods shares first began trading on November 5, 2021.

How do I obtain a copy of the Company's financial statements and public filings?
Annual and quarterly financial results and other information for Real Good Foods are available on this website under Financial Information. You can automatically receive updates by clicking on Email Alerts.
Where is Real Good Foods headquartered?

Real Good Foods is headquartered at:
3 Executive Campus, Suite 155
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

When is the fiscal year end for Real Good Foods?

Real Good Foods’ fiscal year ends on December 31.

Does Real Good Foods pay a cash dividend?

Holders of shares of The Real Good Food Company, Inc.’s Class A common stock are entitled to receive dividends when and if declared by the board of directors, subject to certain restrictions.

How can I purchase Real Good Foods stock?

Interested investors may purchase shares through any registered broker.

Who is the Company's transfer agent, and what is its contact information?

Real Good Foods’ transfer agent is:
American Stock Transfer &Trust Company, LLC
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
(888) 999-0032

Who is the Company's independent registered public accountant?

Grant Thornton LLP serves as the Company’s independent registered public accountant.

How do I contact the Investor Relations team with a question or request?

Please contact Investor Relations at ir@realgoodfoods.com.